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The Research Institute

Germans Trias i Pujol (IGTP)

Translational research to improve the care and lifes of patients

The Institute for Health Science Research Germans Trias i Pujol (IGTP) is a public research centre placed in Badalona, near Barcelona, which main aim is to promote, develop, transfer, manage and spread the research, the scientific and technological knowledge, the teaching and the training in the life and health sciences areas for a better medical attention.

Since its creation in 1995, it has turned into a first level centre dedicated to research on questions related to human health and diseases. It is a CERCA centre and a member of the Biocluster supported and supervised by the Catalan Government. In addition, it is accredited as an excellence centre by the Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCiii).

The IGTP is attached to one of the large teaching hospitals in the area of Barcelona, the Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital (HUGTP), and is located on the Can Ruti biomedical campus, the Badalona’s health and research park. As centre accredited by the ISCiii, it is responsible for the campus scientific investigation coordination, acting as umbrella and working in close collaboration with the other centres located there.

The IGTP carries out research within 9 main areas:

Scientists working in these areas publish an average of over 700 papers a year, contribute with better health protocols and with new treatments, produce patents and set up spin-off companies in order to improve the lives of patients. Because a hospital environment that does and promotes the research and the innovation, usually gives better assistance.

In addition, the IGTP plays a vital role providing and coordinating transversal services and platforms for all researchers and it fully embraces a solid commitment to continue and increase the training of scientists and healthcare workers and to carry out activities to report and involve the public in general in the scientific endeavour.

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